This post is to give you an idea of what type of manual work
I have been doing down here. Construction and painting have been the most
prominent tasks.
Everything must start somewhere. This project started by
hauling 30 sacks of cement outside of my bedroom (The room with the AC.)

The first phase of building the path. 3 square meters down,
48 more to go.

The mixing of the cement is by far the hardest job of all.
Everything here is by hand.

Fuersa Cubana”

Finishing up the project.

Taking a quick photo break.

It was surprisingly comfortable.
Painting a handrail to be installed in the dormitory. An
extremely tedious process.

The installation. The welding machine is something that I
was and still am terrified of. It is a pure Cuban invention and makes an eerie
buzzing sound when plugged in.

Cementing protection for the dormitory rooftop.
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